Solutions and Services.

There are a lot of financial tools and strategies out there. I can help you block out the noise to find what is most relevant for you.

Investment Management

Let’s build a savings and investment plan that fits your goals and personal risk profile. When saving for an unexpected expense, child’s education or retirement, a diverse portfolio is an important piece of the puzzle.

  • Account type selection and Portfolio diversification

  • First Home Savings Account (FHSA)

  • Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA)

  • Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)

  • Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

  • Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GICs)

  • Non-registered accounts.

Insurance Solutions

No one can predict the future, that’s why building a comprehensive financial picture involves risk management solutions. It’s important to protect your family, your assets, and yourself. We will take a needs based approach to find where and how we can best limit your risk exposure.

  • Needs Analysis

  • Travel, Health and Life Insurance

  • Critical Illness and Disability Protection

VUMI International Health Coverage

Prestige VIP is a medical insurance product offered through VUMI Canada. It can provide comprehensive coverage with access to medical treatment worldwide.

  • Access to medical centers in the US and around the world

  • Medical plan with up to $5,000,000 total lifetime coverage

  • VIP second opinion services

Tax and Estate Planning

Taking a proactive approach to your planning can help save money and stress. Tax and estate planning ensures your investments and insurance are structured to minimize the cost today while maximizing value for the future.

  • Tax strategies to minimize or defer taxes owing

  • Succession planning for farms and businesses

  • Advice on account structures

  • Maximizing estate value

Small Business and Group Benefits

The business landscape is competitive and having the right employee benefit plans can help attract and retain top talent for your company. Whether you own a small or large business we can take you through the options to find what fits your business best.

  • Group Health and Dental Benefits

  • Group Retirement and Pension

  • Key Person and Business Insurance Solutions

Retirement Planning

Retirement is something most people have a vision for and that vision is different for everyone. However, retirement planning often seems like a daunting task, but with a little help can bring substantial confidence for bringing that vision to reality.

  • Budgeting and Cash Flow Analysis

  • Goal Setting and Forecasting

  • Tax Planning

  • RRSP, RRIF, LIRA and Pension Advice

Interested in working together? Reach out however you prefer.